Evergreen Fellowship 常綠團契

Welcome to join Evergreen!! Evergreen is an International Bilingual Christian Fellowship. A fine place to know more about Christian faith and yourself - with new friends and have fun here. ; ★Time: Saturday 18:00-20:00 ; ★Location: Grace Baptist Church (90, Sec. 3, Hsin Sheng South Road, Taipei) ; ★Contact: Winny Kuo, Vivian Chu; e-mail: evergreen_taipei@yahoo.com

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Evergreen December Topics

Spiritual Renewal 屬靈更新
Topic Sharing 專題分享
Lovely Alagata 高愛英 姐妹

Movie Night 電影之夜
Movie 電影欣賞

Bible Study

The night before Christmas Eve....
Christmas Special Celebration
Pastor Dave Brown 白偉恩

Looking back 2006 年終回顧
Thanksgiving Prayer 感恩禱告會
Kevin Tung 董希文 弟兄

Monday, November 27, 2006


Ready to eat what we cook???

Are they trying to steal our food???

No!! They are preparing the table....

TURKEY!!! Yummy, Yummy

Kevin is asking if there is any more food

Some guys are wandering why is taking so long...they are so starving

Winny says: I WANT MY FOOD NOW!!!

WOW! Everyone is really hungry...

Please! save some for Matthew Conway

Ups! Sorry Matthew no more food for you

We will try to save some next year

Girls says: We ate so much... and Winny is happy now

Praise the Lord for all that He has given us.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Retreat Photos

Awesome Retreat!!!

Wonderful worship time...

and great company
Wow!! Sister's group... They look so joyful

"V"group for VICTORY... yeahh!!!

Prayer time, our quiet time with God

This is what really made this retreat successful

Party night?? Ohh!! this was our triumphal night

Surely God was in the midst of us

BBQ... yummy yummy!!!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

NO Evergreen meeting this Sat. 11/11 這星期六11/11常綠沒有聚會

Because of the Retreat, 11/11
NO EVERGREEN Meeting at Church
Please pass the information, thank you!
因退修會11/11 常綠
麻煩大家告訴大家, 謝謝!

Monday, November 06, 2006

做榜樣 Be An Example






Be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity. —1 Timothy 4:12
A high school senior honored as one of the "Best & Brightest" in our community has provided a forceful demonstration of integrity. When his school team was given the word auditorium in a regional spelling bee, Brady Davis glanced down to ponder his response and noticed that the word was printed on the microphone stand. He called this to the attention of the judges who responded with a more difficult word. Brady did what he knew was right whether others noticed or not.

We don't know when our actions might become an example to others. But if we live each day to honor Jesus, our behavior will model His righteousness, no matter who is watching.

Idealism and enthusiasm are often best expressed by the young. But uprightness and honor should be goals for Christians of every age. Paul told his young protégé Timothy: "Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity" (1 Tim. 4:12).

Brady Davis says his goal in life is to change the world around him while never compromising himself. We would do well to join him in that pursuit of life, integrity, and exemplary behavior. —David C. McCasland

I would be true, for there are those who trust me;
I would be pure, for there are those who care.
I would be strong, for there is much to suffer;
I would be brave, for there is much to dare. —Walter

A good example always makes a good sermon.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Losing To Gain

He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. —2 Corinthians 9:6

On my father's farm were certain fields he sowed by hand. He would strap on a canvas contraption that looked somewhat like a kangaroo pouch, fill it with seed, and go out to sow. He would cast seed everywhere.

When a farmer sows seed in his field, it looks like he's throwing it away. It seems to be lost, but it isn't really gone. In due time he gets it back—with much more besides.

When we give ourselves to Christ, it may seem to people as if we're throwing our life away. But He said that it is only as we lose our lives in Him that we find true life (Matt. 10:39).

Jesus teaches us to measure our lives by losses rather than gains, by sacrifices rather than self-preservation, by time spent for others rather than time lavished upon ourselves, by love poured out rather than love poured in.

It's a rule of life: God blesses those who give of their lives and resources (2 Cor. 9:6). Give out the truth you know, and He'll give you more to give away. Give your time, and you'll have more time to give. Set no limit on your love, and you'll have more love for others than before.

Israel's wise man said, "There is one who scatters, yet increases more" (Prov. 11:24). It's one of the oldest paradoxes in the world, but it works. —David H. RoperDavid H. Roper-->

We lose what on ourselves we spend;
We have as treasure without end
Whatever, Lord, to You we lend,
Who givest all. —Wordsworth

When you grasp, you lose; when you give to God, you gain.