Evergreen Fellowship 常綠團契

Welcome to join Evergreen!! Evergreen is an International Bilingual Christian Fellowship. A fine place to know more about Christian faith and yourself - with new friends and have fun here. ; ★Time: Saturday 18:00-20:00 ; ★Location: Grace Baptist Church (90, Sec. 3, Hsin Sheng South Road, Taipei) ; ★Contact: Winny Kuo, Vivian Chu; e-mail: evergreen_taipei@yahoo.com

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

*** The Secret Joy of Backbiting

by Kevin Offner

Note: Have you found yourself getting into talking about someone else behind his/her back negatively? Have you fall into the trap of gossipping about others? Here is a good aritcle to remind all of us..........

I 've been wondering lately about why we human beings - yes, even we Christians - like to gossip so much. I'm referring here to that whole family of actions that go by such names as gossip, slander, backbite, whisper, talk behind someone's back, criticize and so on. I realize each term is slightly different from the other, but I'm concerned here with their over-arching commonality.

Please try to feel this with me for a moment. You're sitting across the table from one other person, perhaps a casual friend whom you're hoping will become a close friend. You're both laughing, actively listening, affirming each other in the dozens of subtle, non-verbal ways that friends do, consciously or not. In the midst of your enjoyable conversation (you can almost feel the strengthening bond that's growing between you), Jason Collins' name comes up. Your friend exclaims, "Oh, Jason Collins! He's kind of odd, isn't he? He's quite a talker. And you know he struggles a little with needing to be the center of attention. Now, I think the world of Jason. I really do like him. It's just that he seems so insecure at times. In fact, did you know . . ."

At that very moment, if you're at all human, a certain warm, delicious rush just shoots through your body. You lean closer. There's something inexplicably enjoyable about your new friend's having suddenly taken you into his confidence. You feel special somehow. A new, more intimate bond is developing between you two. It's not that you hate Jason - it's just that you want to keep moving forward with your new friend. "Yeah, I know what you mean," you reply. "Have you ever noticed the way he feigns attention - especially if he wants something from you? I was with him last week, and he said . . ." And away you go.

So Why Do We Do It?

Why is it that we enjoy (come on, admit it) talking about others behind their backs - and why do we enjoy listening to others who do it with us? Have you ever caught yourself telling Person A something slightly negative about Person B, and then very soon, when with Person B, found yourself talking ever-so-slightly negatively about Person A? In doing so, we make our bond with whomever we're with dependent on an absent person's negative traits.

I think we enjoy backbiting so much because it makes us feel superior. "You and I, friend, we're doing pretty well," we declare, "but Jason - now he's got some problems in that department!" If you and I feel a bit insecure with our friendship to start with, a false intimacy can quickly arise when we both identify a common inferior. For a brief moment we feel better about ourselves as you and I look down together on someone else. In a rather perverse sense, it's one way we go about being affirmed by each other.

I had a friend (Mark) in college who had made a personal vow that he would never, ever say anything negative about someone else in their absence, unless he had first asked their permission. Mark and I frequently got together for coffee, and often the opportunity to talk about someone would arise. More than once, he had to say kindly, "Kevin, if you don't mind, I think it would be better if we didn't talk about ------ this way,'' and then he would gently change the subject. When Mark did bring up others in our conversation, he always mentioned them with respect.

The Trust Factor

I can't tell you how very, very secure this made me feel around Mark. How much respect I had for him! Often I'd see him chatting with a friend, huddling close together and laughing. And I knew, with one hundred percent certainty, that they were not talking negatively about me. Have you ever wondered to yourself, Gosh, if this person finds it so easy to drop little negative comments to me about others, I wonder what she's saying to others about me when I'm not around? I have. It takes a little bit of the zing out of enjoying a session of backbiting, knowing that this present momentary thrill of intimacy will most likely be eclipsed by a betrayal in the near future.

I think our great fear about not joining in when gossip starts is that our friend will like us less, will pull back, and will now refrain from sharing other intimate things with us. Here we have the opportunity to go deeper - and in our refusing to join in on the gossip, we think we'll fail the secret test and our friendship will wane.

But that's wrong thinking. In the very short term, yes, that particular conversation may indeed not go deeper. But in the long run, if over time we have developed a reputation as people who keep confidences and never backbite, we will find our friendships increasing and deepening.
Think of all the friends you have right now. Who are the ones you feel quite certain do not gossip about you? Who are the ones who wouldn't surprise you if they did talk about you behind your back? Whom do you respect more?

Wouldn't it be great if Christians had the reputation (at work, at school, with neighbors) of not speaking negatively behind others' backs? I am renewing my pledge to be more like Mark. I want to have the courage to pass up going "deeper" with someone if all it really means is compromising my integrity. Such a pledge may mean gently changing the topic when I sense backbiting is coming on, or even confronting someone about his or her loose tongue. But most of all I want to develop the kind of character that takes a secret delight in saying positive things about another person - someone who can trust me to guard my tongue.

Kevin Offner is an InterVarsity staff member working with graduate students in the Washington, DC, area.

Friday, March 24, 2006

*** Are they professional models ?

Are they professional models? No, they are evergreeners...^_^

*** The Value of Saturday Evening Large Group Meetings

The value of large group meetings is the unique place they have in helping you develop a Christian community which can engage the world with the gospel and develop disciples of Jesus Christ. Many goals of Evergreen can be accomplished effectively through large group meetings.

Large group meetings are most valuable when you use them to accomplish goals which most naturally fit with being together as a larger group.

Large group meetings are key in the development of Evergreen identity, and a common vision.
Growth as individuals and as a group in our love for God can be nurtured through expositional Bible teaching and gifted speakers.

Worshipping together gives us a shared experience of the greatness of God and renewal of our spirits.

Meeting together at a regular time in a publicized location gives us visibility. With a welcoming atmosphere Evergreen large group meetings can be a place to invite seekers; or to host evangelistic meetings or to help those who are sorting through what it means to be a Christian. In short, Evergreen large group meeting can give witness to the world, through your love for one another, of Jesus' reality.

During Evergreen large group meetings we're reminded we're not the only Christian in this world and our faith can be encouraged by hearing what God is doing in and through others.

As you meet in a large group, midst all the fun of seeing people you like, you can find out about important events and training opportunities. Large group meetings can help you communicate with one another (so long as you remember that doesn't mean endless announcements!)

Best of all they can mean a chance to meet with God, to learn from Him and to be equipped for His service.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

>>> Evergreen April !!

歡迎來到常綠助道會~ !

下列資訊為四月份各週主題及講員。歡迎大家參加 :-)

常 綠 助 道 會 - 歡迎學生及社青ㄛ !

地點:樂民館 Coleman Hall

形式:Topic Sharing 專題分享
講員: Lovely Alagata 高愛英 姐妹

聚會主題及內容:Working Through My Hang-ups - "Procrastination"
在障礙中成長 - "拖延,耽擱"的心態

形式:Topic Sharing 專題分享
講員:Craig Shaver

聚會主題及內容: Working Through My Hang-ups - "Fear of Failure"
在障礙中成長 - "害怕失敗"的心態

形式:Topic Sharing專題分享
講員:Doug Street

聚會主題及內容:Working Through My Hang-ups - "Quitting"
在障礙中成長 - "放棄"的心態

形式:Small Group Discussion 小組討論

聚會主題及內容:Bible Study 小組查經

日期 : 04/29
形式 : Special Topic Sharing 特別分享
講員:Taiwan Baptist Theological Seminary

聚會主題及內容:看!那星 (Behold! The Star)

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

*** Taichung

Taichung Posted by Picasa

Monday, March 13, 2006

*** The Exodus Song

From the Movie "The Exodus"Performed by Andy Williams

This land is mine
God gave this land to me
This brave and ancient land to me
And when the morning sun
Reveals her hills and plains
Then I see a land
Where children can run free

So take my hand
And walk this land with me
And walk this lovely land with me

*Tho'I am just a man
When you are by my side
With the help of God
I know I can be strong (Repeat *)

To make this land our home
If I must fight, I'll fight
To make this land our own
Until I die, this land is mine

Amanda wants to share this song with us all......

Friday, March 10, 2006

*** 把愛留下--杏林子紀念音樂會



地點: 台北國際會議中心,

這些歌曲都很優美動聽, 請一定要來喔! 我可以幫忙拿票.(若對於中南部的場次有興趣,請跟我聯絡) Diane

Friday, March 03, 2006

*** 要為信仰打那美好的仗 Fight the good fight!!

Today's Blog comes from Sherry. Hope it can be encouragement for us all........
今天的分享由 Sherry 提供,中文在下面......希望對大家都是個很好的鼓勵.........

Every Friday morning, one of the graduating students from School of Theology English Department will be assigned to give a sermon for an hour. Matthew came home today and shared with me the message he heard from the graduating student. The student shared the passage from 1 Timothy 6:11-16:

“But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness. Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses. In the sight of God, who gives life to everything, and of Christ Jesus, who while testifying before Pontius Pilate made the good confession, I charge you to keep this command without spot or blame until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ, which God will bring about in his own time—God, the blessed and only Ruler, the King of kings and Lord of lords, who alone is immortal and who lives in unapproachable light, whom no one has seen or can see. To him be honor and might forever. Amen.

At the end of his sermon, he confessed in front of all professors and students of his sin. He heavily told everyone the sin he had committed. English is his second language. It’s difficult for him to deal with the school work and meet the deadlines. Often time, he fell behind the schedule for his assignments. Under the heavy pressure of school work, he was tempted. In order to write his paper, he went online and found an article related to the topic he was writing. He copied and pasted part of the article online and made it as his own. He did finish his assignment! No one, neither his professor nor classmates knew about what he did. But God knew. Under strong conviction, he decided to confess first to his wife. With tears, both his wife and he prayed to God for forgiveness. Today it was his turn to give a sermon. He honestly confessed his sin in front of everyone. Everyone who heard felt heavy in their heart. Many shed tears. When Matthew came home and shared with me, I was very moved and inspired.

Matt and I honor his courage and boldness to confess his sins in public. It must have been difficult for him. But surely he has received the greatest freedom, because he asked God and His children for forgiveness.
We are encouraged and comforted because he was willing and unreserved to confess before his brothers and sisters in Christ. His transparency and vulnerability before his family deserves our admiration.
We are also reminded that sometimes we let our deepest secrets and hurts go unconfessed not just to God but each other. This dormant sins and secrets undermine everything we do, tarnishing the image of God in our work and character. The student was too caught up in the work, in achieving a goal. His secrets eventually gave birth to sin. Brothers and sisters, let’s be vulnerable and transparent with each other. Let’s live with each other at the heart level, not the “face” level. If we aren’t confessing our sins and sharing our burdens with each other, we are probably not sharing them honestly with God either. Today Matt could see the relief and emotion that was set free when this brother shared his heart. He cried humble tears of joy knowing that God would forgive him and make him new whatever the consequences of his actions may be. Many in the audience cried as well knowing their struggles were ultimately the same as his. He was a symbol for all of those who heard him. And all of the students felt closer to each other because of his courageous confession. It was a wonderful time of healing.




但你這屬 神的人啊,應該逃避這些事,要追求公義、敬虔、信心、愛心、忍耐和溫柔。
我在賜生命給萬物的 神面前,並那在本丟.彼拉多面前見證過美好的信仰的基督耶穌面前囑咐你,

信息最後,這位同學很沉重的在教授及所有學生面前懺悔。他很沉重的告訴大家他最近所犯的罪。英文是他的第二語言,所以對他而言,在神學院英文部的課程是很吃力的。所以他有一些報告無法如期交給老師。在沉重的課業壓力下,他受到了誘惑。他上網找到了與他所要寫的報告相關的內容,在誘惑之下,他抄襲了網路所刊登的文章。就這樣他完成了他的作業,交給了老師。作業是順利的交了出去,老師、同學,沒有人知道他抄襲別人的文章。但是神知道!!! 他心裡不好受了一陣子。他無法面對神,也無法面對自已。於是在聖靈繾責之下,他落淚地告訴他的太太,他所犯的錯誤。他的太太流淚和他一起禱告,求神原諒。學校剛好安排他今天講道。就在全英文部所有人面前,他激動地流下眼淚,坦白公開承認他的罪。他知道他可以在神的大家庭面前,誠實地懺悔及得到原諒。當時的氣氛很沉重,許多人也跟著流下眼淚。當Matthew回家分享時,我也很受到感動及啟發。


Wednesday, March 01, 2006

*** 新加坡小印度服事分享

以下是 Sherry 針對新加坡小印度區服事的分享,也是他對Amy監獄啟發課程的回應: 看看腊味印度弟兄跟他母親的見證,也讓我們思考我們是否願意為著主而被親朋好友拋棄........

Dear Amy:很感謝主又再次在今年過年的這段期間,差遣妳去做祂的事工。我想能「在善事上結果子,以叫我們漸漸地多知道神」使生命有意義。受到妳在事工完後,又能花時間將見證分享給弟兄姐妹的關係,讓我今天在小印度服待時,決定回家後趕快分享今天事工所得到的喜樂。每個星期天晚上,我和Matthew到小印度服事。今天我們在門口發單張給工人。在發之前,我們先禱告,希望神可以帶領我們和一些人有談話的機會。一禱告完之後,我們發一張單張給一個工人。他馬上和我們談起來,並且說他是基督徒。印度人大部分是印度教及回教。要找到真正是基督徒的印度人其實還蠻少的。即使有些人有聽過耶穌,但是把祂當作是偶像在拜。所以我們就和這個工人談起來,並請他分享他的見證。他說三年前,他在印度的一家教會參加了主日學。他很喜歡唱詩歌及聖經故事。他決定信主。之後,他也影響了他的母親。母親也接受了耶穌。每當他的父親睡覺後,他和母親二個人會一起禱告,因為家人都還不知道他們信主。但是不久後,篤信印度教的父親和兄弟姐妹知道後,全家把他們二個人趕出去,身上什麼都沒帶。教會收留他們。這位才二十歲的工人後來到馬來西亞工作,隨後又有工作機會,他到了新加坡。但是他和他的母親已經三年無法回家,因為家人至今仍無法接受他們。然而,他喜樂的分享認識耶穌使他的生命有喜樂。雖然親生的家人拒絕他,但是神的家人就是他的弟兄姐妹,有天父在關愛著他。參加教會,使他體會身為基督徒,在口裏訴說福音的同時,所表現出來的行為才能真正反映出耶穌在我們生命中。就在繁忙的小印度, 他、Matthew及我「一家人」來自三個不同的國家,很高興的聚在一起,在印度工人穿梭之中,用不同語言為彼此禱告。感謝主,因祂的愛遍步各地,使我們能奉祂的名,受祂的恩典,一同讚美祂!!!