Evergreen Fellowship 常綠團契

Welcome to join Evergreen!! Evergreen is an International Bilingual Christian Fellowship. A fine place to know more about Christian faith and yourself - with new friends and have fun here. ; ★Time: Saturday 18:00-20:00 ; ★Location: Grace Baptist Church (90, Sec. 3, Hsin Sheng South Road, Taipei) ; ★Contact: Winny Kuo, Vivian Chu; e-mail: evergreen_taipei@yahoo.com

Monday, September 25, 2006

10/7 Moonlight Festival BBQ 中秋節烤肉

Join us for our barbecue
October 7 at 6pm
Fee 費用: NT50/人person

Friday, September 22, 2006

Mixing-Bowl Musings 廚邊沉思

Countless times I’ve heard myself say, “I’m going to bake a cake.” Then one day I realized that I’ve never baked a cake in my life—only my oven can do that. I simply mix the right ingredients and allow the oven to do its part. Through that division of labor, I have the joy of seeing others taste and enjoy delicious cake.

God used my mixing-bowl musings to clarify a dilemma I once had after starting a neighborhood Bible study. It was one thing to bring my neighbors together to study the Bible, but seeing them believe and follow Christ was another. I felt powerless. Suddenly I saw the obvious. Like baking cakes, making Christians was impossible for me, but not for God. I had blended the right ingredients—an open home, friendship, love. Now I had to trust the Holy Spirit, through His Word, to do His work. When I cooperated with that division of labor, I had the joy of seeing others taste of God’s goodness.

In Luke 18:18-27, Jesus so vividly described some hindrances to saving faith that His listeners began to wonder if anyone could be saved. Do you feel that way about someone? Be encouraged by the Lord’s strong reminder that there are some things that only God can do. Saving people is one of them. —

The Lord’s the only one who can Transform a person’s heart;But when we share God’s saving truth,We play a crucial part. —Sper

We sow the seed, but God brings the harvest.




常綠10月份聚會內容 Evergreen October Topics

常綠助道會 Evergreen Fellowship

Time: 每週六 Every Sat. 6:00-8:00pm
地點/Place:樂民館 Coleman Hall

Moonlight Festival BBQ 中秋烤肉
Group Activity 團體活動

How to face social issues 如何面對社會問題
Topic Sharing 專題分享
Pastoral’s office 教牧同工

Success vs. Service 成功 vs. 服事
Topic Sharing 專題分享
David Theriault 馬文龍 弟兄

Bible Study 小組查經
Small Group Discussion 小組討論

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


◆ 日期:9月21-25日
◆ 時間:上午11:00-晚上9:00
◆ 地點:台北市青少年育樂中心(台北市仁愛路一段17號)

大家 Shopping 去吧!!