Evergreen Fellowship 常綠團契

Welcome to join Evergreen!! Evergreen is an International Bilingual Christian Fellowship. A fine place to know more about Christian faith and yourself - with new friends and have fun here. ; ★Time: Saturday 18:00-20:00 ; ★Location: Grace Baptist Church (90, Sec. 3, Hsin Sheng South Road, Taipei) ; ★Contact: Winny Kuo, Vivian Chu; e-mail: evergreen_taipei@yahoo.com

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

My experience at Yilan Retreat - by Chin

November 10-12, 2006

Ever since I attended the Evergreen Fellowship I longed to experience the real meaning of ‘International Christian Fellowship.’ It did not take me long to hear the announcement of Retreat for the year 2006 at Yilan in November. This was, if I remember correctly in September 2006.

With no time to loose, like everybody else, I filled the form, paid the contributions and started to praying for Gods blessing during the retreat. Within no time, the day for "Yilan Retreat: November 2006" was at the door and everybody were excited. I have three reasons why I wanted to be there:

1. To experience an international Christian fellowship;
2. To meet new friends;
3. To devote the whole weekend in fellowship with the Lord.

On the appointed date before we proceeded towards Yilan, as instructed, we met at 6.30 P.M. in front of the Grace Baptist Church and there, I met six new friends right away and say Hi! to greet each other. Later on I come to know that we come from different places. It was exciting. I love making friends. I felt the presence of God. He is good to me all the time. More of such excitement were in stored ahead of us, and we were about to experience them.

At Yilan, I met more new friends. Every second pass by on that very evening was an experience worth remembering a life time. More friends mean more happiness. Greetings and exchanging pleasantries and blessings among Christian brothers and sisters was a real joy and fulfillment of a scripture, Psalms 133:1 says:

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is
for brethren to dwell together in unity!

The evening introductory fellowship starts with the song called ‘Noah's Ark’. This was the most exciting part of the Retreat! From then onwards we talked and mingled freely like real brothers and sisters throughout the retreat and after, even until today. What a blessed time it was!

The first night was a new page in my Christian life. The next morning was pleasant and calm devoting on Joshua 6:1-27, the fall of Jericho at the hands of Joshua and his fighting men, after they circled the city for 7 times! A lot of lessons have been learnt from this passage like – to obey God, to do His will so as to receive His blessings, His reward; and not forget His judgment (righteousness). But the next morning devotion ends with a BIG QUESTION, “Who do people say the Son of Man is?” (Matt. 16: 13-20)

A group discussion on ‘What Do I Do What I Don’t Want To Do?’ was an enriching experience. John 8:32 “Then you will know the truth and, and the truth will set you free.”

The lesson like how to be a good believer (How to Break Bad Habits) and to overcome our weaknesses (He Who Overcomes) were really blessings to me.

To make a long story short, I thank the retreat organizers for the good breakfast, good food and excellent BBQ. The whole night prayer chain, group get together, worship time and those delighting games – I will cherish throughout my life.

Glory be to God.


Monday, April 16, 2007

常綠春季退修會 Evergreen Spring Retreat

Friday, April 13, 2007

Meeting time change for Apr. 14

Since April 14 is a working day here in Taiwan, Evergreen Large Group Meeting will start at 6:30 PM instead of usual 6:00 PM. Come on over when you get out of work.....
Hope to see you all!!

因本周六為上班日,常綠聚會延至 6:30 PM 開始, 歡迎大家下班後一起來聚會!!