Evergreen Fellowship 常綠團契

Welcome to join Evergreen!! Evergreen is an International Bilingual Christian Fellowship. A fine place to know more about Christian faith and yourself - with new friends and have fun here. ; ★Time: Saturday 18:00-20:00 ; ★Location: Grace Baptist Church (90, Sec. 3, Hsin Sheng South Road, Taipei) ; ★Contact: Winny Kuo, Vivian Chu; e-mail: evergreen_taipei@yahoo.com

Saturday, April 29, 2006

>>> Evergreen in May, 常綠助道會五月活動來囉 ^^

Welcome to Evergreen. :-D

The following information includes the topics and speakers for May.
And our next meeting will be on May 6th.
Hope to see everyone ~


歡迎來到常綠助道會~ !
歡迎大家參加 :-)

★ 常 綠 助 道 會 - 歡迎學生及社青ㄛ ! ★
地點:樂民館 Coleman Hall

形式:Small Group Discussion 小組討論


Working Through My Hang-ups

形式:Topic Sharing 專題討論
專題分享講員: David Theriault 馬文龍弟兄

Working Through My Hang-ups ~ Rejection
在障礙中成長 ~ 被否定 (被拒絕)

形式:Topic Sharing 專題討論
專題分享講員:Sophy Wang 王淑霏 姐妹

Working Through My Hang-ups ~ Self-worth
在障礙中成長 ~ 自我價值

Gospel Camp (No meeting this week)
春季福音營 (本週無聚會)

Friday, April 28, 2006




Thursday, April 27, 2006

***Why Pray?

Reflections on Praying for Others
by Henry Nouwen

One of the most powerful experiences in a life of compassion is the expansion of our hearts into a world-embracing space of healing from which no one is excluded. Prayer for others, therefore, cannot be seen as an extraordinary exercise that must be practiced from time to time. Rather, it is the very beat of a compassionate heart. To pray for a friend who is ill, for a student who is depressed, for a teacher who is in conflict; for people in prisons, in hospitals, on battlefields; for those who are victims of injustice, who are hungry, poor, without shelter; for those who risk their career, their health, and even their life in struggle for social justice; for leaders of church and state to pray for all these people is not a futile effort to influence God’s will, but a hospitable gesture by which we invite our neighbors into the center of our hearts.

Seen in the place of prayer, even the unprincipled dictator and the vicious torturer can no longer appear as the object of fear, hatred, and revenge, because when we pray we stand at the center of the great mystery of Divine Compassion. Prayer converts the enemy into a friend and is thus the beginning of a new relationship. There is probably no prayer as powerful as the prayer for our enemies. But it is also the most difficult prayer since it is most contrary to our impulses.

When we come before God with the needs of the world, the healing love of the Holy Spirit that touches us, touches with the same power all those whom we bring before him. Compassionate prayer does not encourage the self-serving individualism that leads us to flee from people or to fight them. On the contrary, by deepening our awareness of our common suffering, prayer draws us closer together in the presence of the Holy Spirit.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006



「怎麼不敢?你見別人有難,便去幫助… 我們大部分人都會這樣,只有上帝不幫忙。」

「老師,請聽我解釋。」全體同學竊竊私語。 「解釋…噫,解釋…」教授好不容易才控制住自己,待情緒漸漸平伏後,即使個手勢,叫同學們安靜。讓該同學發言。

***The Gospel of Judas Stirs up Controversy

by Gordon Govier

The "Gospel of Judas" looks like a hot new controversy. In reality it's old church history and offers no new information on the ministry of Jesus. More accurately it helps us understand a little more about early church history and what’s called the Gnostic movement. And it may reveal more about religious viewpoints in modern America than about Christianity itself.
The "Gospel of Judas" is part of an ancient codex that was discovered in Egypt several decades ago. It has been conserved and restored and then harnessed to a huge publicity machine. The National Geographic Society put it on the cover of its May 2006 issue, published two books on it, produced a two hour television special and placed several pages of it on display at its headquarters in Washington D.C. National Geographic has not been known as a faith-friendly publication.

All of this occurred at the beginning of the most holy time of the year for Christians, the Easter season. Thus it was timed for maximum exposure and those who are not familiar with church history may have been fooled into thinking that it could change Christian theology. However, much of the news coverage was one-sided in favor of progressive scholars and failed to include traditional Christian viewpoints. In fact, the "Gospel of Judas" was well known to early Christians and rejected as illegitimate.

The “Gospel of Judas” does seem to be historically authentic. It’s 1700-1800-years old but it was most assuredly not written by Judas. In its age, appearance and content the “Gospel of Judas” resembles the Nag Hammadi texts, which were discovered in Egypt in the 1940's. Like the Nag Hammadi texts, including one called the "Gospel of Thomas," the "Gospel of Judas" comes from a heretical sect called the Gnostics.

Gnosticism (from the Greek word for knowledge, gnosis) promoted a mystical faith that favored those who were privy to the secret knowledge. Thus, in "The Gospel of Judas," Jesus is depicted with a special relationship to Judas. As the New York Times reported, "The most revealing passages in the Judas manuscript begins, 'The secret account of the revelation that Jesus spoke in conversation with Judas Iscariot during a week, three days before he celebrated Passover.'" Judas, in this version, was the only disciple who "got it."

The Gnostics were roundly condemned by early church leaders, including Irenaeus (A.D. 130-202), who specifically dismissed the "Gospel of Judas," among other works. It contains no reliable historical information. By contrast, the four Gospels of the New Testament canon are strongly rooted in verifiable historical facts.

One other perspective on the “Gospel of Judas” was covered in articles by the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times. The process by which it was discovered, marketed and ultimately delivered to the National Geographic Society disturbs those who worry about illegal Antiquities trading. What some people call rescuing an ancient manuscript is called looting by others. It’s obvious that controversy can drive up the price of such objects and in this case it was certainly true.The “Gospel of Judas” appeals to people who are looking for another version, an alternative to the four gospels of the New Testament. In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus said there would always be people looking for loopholes. “Small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it [NIV].”

Tuesday, April 25, 2006




Friday, April 14, 2006

*** 本週聚會地點!! Meeting place this week!!


本週 Evergreen 將回到地下室樂民館聚會,時間依然是 6:00 PM. 歡迎大家告訴大家.......

Dear Evergreeners,

We will be back to Coleman Hall for our large group meeting this Saturday at 6:00 PM. Hope to see you all.......


*** 神的道路非同於你的道路

經  節:


*** 我曾死過,現在又活了

經  節:


Wednesday, April 12, 2006

*** ~~4/8 "常綠"戶外敬拜~~ 感謝大家的幫忙:)

God is with us every moment of our life


Tuesday, April 11, 2006

*** 撒旦的會議記錄





*** The Grace Factor

Author: Irma Pennington

Scripture References: James 4:6 2 Corinthians 12:9-10

Verse Text: James 4:6: But He gives us more grace. 2Corinthians 12:9-10: But He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.

"Have you ever felt sorry for a blind person walking, cane in hand, down the street? I have. I would probably say something like, "Oh would you look at that? It's just so sad. Just imagine not being able to see--not a beautiful flower, not a blue sky. Oh, I would simply die!" And yet, I wonder how this person can have such a great attitude. I mean, he's out there living his life and seems joyful even--more joyful than me at that moment anyway.

I believe I've come to learn the secret to this being-able-to-handle-life-as-it-comes attitude. You see, we don't have to feel sorry for these people--not at all. And we don't have to fear for ourselves either when life becomes unbearable. God promises that He will indeed give us the exact amount of grace at the exact time that we need it to handle any particular situation. There is but one important requirement--that we humble ourselves before God and receive it. This is essential. We must first come to Him.

Thus, in order to keep fear at bay when we're faced with a trial, we must always remember to run to the Souce of that all-sufficient grace, our merciful Father, who cares for us more than we can ever imagine. This, truly, will enable us to live life unafraid and under the power of the "Grace Factor."

Thursday, April 06, 2006

*** Why Are We So Busy?

by Kevin Offner

Editor's note: Many of us are struggling with being too busy…… too busy to pray, to read, to serve God or even too busy to come to church…… Hope this article can challenge us all……

I would love to pray more, read more, write in my journal more, take long walks, be still in God's presence, spend more time getting to know friends, or take up this or that hobby - but I'm just too busy. I don't have time.

All of my life I've taken solace in that phrase: "I'm just too busy." I've convinced myself all of these years that the real reasons for my busyness were external to myself - it's not my fault, you see, rather it's because of my job, those deadlines, the traffic, the city (oh, to be somewhere more rural!) or others' demands on me. Surely, if these external factors could be removed, why, I would immediately feel less restless, move more slowly and make time for those other important things.

Well, recently I was able to take a sabbatical. I was given eight months in England to slow down, rejuvenate and reflect. But much to my amazement, most of those eight months found me as busy as ever. And I had been stripped of all my excuses! I realized then that I'm somehow enslaved to busyness and scared to death of having nothing to do. A little voice from somewhere inside screams, "Kevin, you must produce! What did you accomplish today? How has the world changed today because of your initiatives? Watch out - you're getting lazy! You're wasting time! Get off your rear and do something!!"

I've learned that our fast-paced lifestyles are not primarily due to external factors; external factors are more the symptom than the cause. We are not restless because we are busy; we are busy because we are restless. In fact, many of us are actually addicted to busyness! We are afraid of silence. Keeping busy prevents us from having to face our empty souls. When I'm always filling my time with reading the newspaper, eating a snack, running to catch a bus, making several quick phone calls, listening to music or seeing how many errands I can accomplish in a short period of time, I don't have to acknowledge how little I pray, how little I really know about or care for my friends or how little I know myself.

We bow to the "Idol of the Full Schedule" because it gives a superficial, temporary legitimacy to our lives. When we accomplish a lot we feel important, needed and necessary. We set ourselves dozens of daily goals, and if we meet most of them we feel successful. We long for a daily reassurance that we are loved - and we turn to a kind of "activism" to meet this need. We say we believe in grace, we say we believe that God's love is unconditional and that our justification in him is not based on our works, and yet in practice we live as though we've been abandoned or orphaned. We're convinced we must work in order to be approved.

Of course the point is not to exchange busyness for inactivity. Work is a good thing: God gave Adam and Eve work to do in the Garden even before they sinned. Also, we are told in the "Parable of the Talents" that it's the wise investor of one's abilities who will one day be rewarded. Our Lord Jesus himself was hard at work from sunrise to sunset. No, we don't need to stop working; but we may be pursuing the wrong work. We are to be busy or not busy because of obedience to God's call, not because of a nervous striving for self-worth. Knowing in our heart of hearts that we are fully accepted and loved by God in Christ, we do whatever work God calls us to do out of joy, peace and gratitude. Part of growing in grace, then, is to know what one's work is, when to work and when to rest. And we'll know this more surely as we grow to know God better.

We want to work voluntarily and enthusiastically, in response to God's initiative, not our restlessness. And we want to learn how to rest. Here are a few practical steps to take:

  • Guard time alone with God. The Lord Jesus was as busy as anyone and yet it was his habit to arise "a great while before dawn" to pray.
  • Guard the Sabbath. Let's be ruthless in keeping at least a day a week free, a different day from the other six. No scheduling of meetings, no homework and no agendas. A day to focus on God in a special way. A day to slow down, take inventory and be spontaneous.
  • Always schedule large gaps between activities when possible. Get to places and appointments early and use that extra time to become quiet inside.
  • Be as "fully present" as possible at each activity or with each person. Avoid turning to past conversations or future concerns, but rather give undivided attention to the immediate present.
  • Spend more time in deliberate reflection. After conversations with people, at night before going to sleep and on your Sabbath day (Sundays are great for this!), ask deeper questions: what was the significance of that person's remark? That movie's main theme? or That class assignment's bigger issues? Write in a journal, write letters to others, reflect with close friends and meditate under God's eye. Always be open to what you might learn from God's providence by being a careful observer of life's experiences and people.

Let's be honest with ourselves and face the real reasons why we feel so compelled to busyness. And then, by God's grace, let's resolve to make better choices with how we use our time.

Monday, April 03, 2006

*** ~~4/1 "常綠"戶外敬拜~~